Hello World,

My name is Kaitlyn Cross. I am a senior this year at Eastern Washington University, looking to (finally) get my degree in Visual Communication Design.
When I am not designing for the web you can find me either working one of my two jobs, or catching some ZZZZZ's.
My hobbies include eating sugary snacks, doodling, petting dogs, watching cartoons, reading comics, switching back and forth between the same 3 apps for several hours, and laughing at cheesy puns.



This was just a part of a project I did in Digital Foundations about London. I am a huge fan of Emma Watson both as a nerd and as a Feminist and this is a Digital Portrait I did of her.


I made this "Sticker" in VCD I. I was told to make something absurd and I couldn't get out of my head "Pizza is Life", because I had to work at Pizza Hut that night. So in a way it is like a self portrait.

Rhino Mechanical

I recently got the chance to work on a logo for a local heating and duct company called "Rhino Mechanical". I worked with a partner on this project. (Meagan Cunningham-Strope) and it was a mix of both of our designs that ultimately was chosen. I really valued the collaboration, she had won an "Addie" when she went through the design program.

Araza Natural Beauty

I took a class called "Publication Design" and in this class I was asked to do a total re-branding of an existing company with a team of two other people. I was in charge of the deliverables, including logo, business card, envelopes and letterhead. I am happy about what I did with the logo as well as the business card. This is the logo and/or back of the business card.

Araza Beauty Card

This is the front of the business card. I was told by the guy who built the website with me that she still uses this business card but I am not so sure. I like that aspect of the card, besides that I did this my very first year in the design program so there are definitely things I wish I could tweak about it.


This is a poster I did of Paul Renner and my favorite font "Futura". This was my favorite project in Typography.


I took a Photography class as part of a Design elective and I honestly fell in love with it. (All of the Photography on this page is mine by the way.) This is just a Motel near my house.


People who are familiar with the part of town I live in may recognize this mug. I did a little bit of a photoshoot for Cannon Coffee and Cone, a local business who strongly supports local artists.


I like calling pugs "Puggos". But really this is my Google Doodle Illustration that I did for a class called Web Design II. It combines two of my loves, Dogs and Marching Bands.


This is a piece I stuck on my Behance. I grew up wanting to be a comic book artist but changed my plans after I enrolled to college. But I still like to doodle when I have any kind of spare time.